
Awel Aman Tawe has been working in schools since 2000 running workshops about climate change and energy use, arranging school visits to see renewable energy in action, and engaging pupils in the climate emergency through the arts.

In our current programme – We are Energy Warriors – we work with primary and secondary age pupils across south Wales. Through a series of bilingual workshops and experiences, pupils are empowered to take action to reduce energy consumption in school; to be ambitious and ethical thinkers who care about Wales and the world; and to be enterprising, creative and confident in spreading their message.


Awel Aman Tawe has been working in schools since 2000 running workshops about climate change and energy use, arranging school visits to see renewable energy in action, and engaging pupils in the climate emergency through the arts.

In our current programme – We are Energy Warriors – we work with primary and secondary age pupils across south Wales. Through a series of bilingual workshops and experiences, pupils are empowered to take action to reduce energy consumption in school; to be ambitious and ethical thinkers who care about Wales and the world; and to be enterprising, creative and confident in spreading their message.


