The 'Greta' has landed

We made it! Here’s the final descent to the Moon

Quite a journey. An orbit of the Earth, then an orbit of the Moon, then landed by Tycho Crater on Sunday afternoon… your time.

Due to a radio breakdown it hasn’t been possible to communicate with Planet Earth till now. Maybe because I decided to go for a stroll on the Dark Side – thought I might find some clangers or moomins or even Morgan the Moon…. Nothing. No-one. Not yet.

It’s quite tricky walking here – so many holes in the ground – and quite a bit of junk left by the Apollo Mission that I keep tripping up on. On the plus side, I’ve been collecting up these bits and pieces, like a womble, and I intend to use them in my exhibition. More of that to follow.

View from the capsule window

From this distance I can see the thin, blue atmosphere wrapped around the Earth. It is like a ribbon of turquoise silk. It’s the only thing that’s keeping us separate from the vast blackness of the universe. And it’s the only thing that’s keeping us alive… Until we destroy it.

But I can see a huge swathe of Extinction Rebellion protests. I can see the XR flags and people all over the world rising up and demanding our politicians declare a climate and environmental emergency. And that gives me hope.

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