
Egni Co-op looking for new roofs for solar!
8 February 2019
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to everyone!
24 December 2018
Awel’s wind turbines featured on unique new album by Fiddlebox
9 December 2018
Meet our members. 4 days to join us!
27 July 2018
We’re recruiting a Development Officer!
5 July 2018
It’s been windy! Awel Co-op pays full interest to its members after 1st year. Share Offer still open…
23 June 2018
When #BeastfromtheEast meets Awel Coop. Love is in the air!
2 March 2018
Site visit to Awel Co-op’s wind farm and climate change writing course-book now!
23 February 2018
Cyngor Castell-nedd Port Talbot yn cefnogi ynni cymunedol
31 January 2018
Community Energy New Year Honour
30 December 2017
Clean energy windfall for Amman Valley school and community groups
13 December 2017
Over 7 million kwh….and two award nominations
3 October 2017
Meet the new wind farm bosses!
21 August 2017
Are we a tourist attraction?
7 July 2017
Awel Co-op Shortlisted For Major Industry Award
20 June 2017
Teaming up with 10:10 and new Open Day announced
16 June 2017
Awel Co-op secures £5.25m loan for community wind farm
23 May 2017
Share Offer breaks £2 million barrier
12 April 2017