Chris Blake’s “Ten Reasons why I’ve invested in Awel Co-op”

Chris Blake

Here are ten reasons I am investing in AWEL Coop:

  1. Awel Aman Tawe (AAT) have been working hard to build these wind turbines for over a decade – it is an honour to play a small part in the final step on a very long journey.
  2. Wind turbines will provide cheap renewable energy for generations to come.  Long after the construction costs have been paid they will still be turning, producing electricity at almost no cost: no gas imported, no uranium mined, no nuclear waste to be looked after for thousands of years.
  3. The AAT turbines are community owned which means that the profit stays in the community creating jobs and opportunity.
  4. The turbines represent a beacon of hope that other communities can follow.  Small communities without great wealth or special influence can improve their own future for generations to come.
  5. I will smile with satisfaction every time I drive past the turbines knowing that I played a small part in getting them built.
  6. I believe that one day the electricity generated buy the turbines will be delivered to the houses and businesses in the area – local, community owned energy that can benefit the whole community with cheap tariffs and a chance to save money.
  7. This month AAT’s Jenny has given birth to baby Gwen – what better gift for the future generations than renewable energy?
  8. I can smile whatever the weather! On a sunny summer’s day when the turbines are not turning, I am happy.  When the storm is coming in and the wind is blowing, I am happy because the turbines are turning and earning.
  9. I want to show the Government at Westminster that Welsh communities can deliver cheap, renewable electricity – no foreign investment funds, no Chinese technology, no imports of fossil fuels – the Valleys can survive and thrive after coal.
  10. Oh, I nearly forgot…..a rate of return I can’t even imagine anywhere else!

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