Community wind farm backs Port Talbot steelworkers

Awel Co-op wind farm has sourced all its construction material from the BOS Plant at Port Talbot steelworks.

Dan McCallum, one of the Directors said, “This has a double win. It’s a recycled product from the steel blast furnaces so that’s better for the environment than quarrying new stone.  It’s also another income stream for Port Talbot which helps build a future for the steelworks.”


(Pic: track made of slag material from Port Talbot blast furnaces)

Clint Budd, one of Awel’s members commented, “ I worked at the steel plant for 20 years. I was delighted to see the BOS slag being used to build our wind farm. I wrote the software to help monitor the chemistry of the slag material when I worked there. I am also a keen supporter of renewable energy especially when it’s community-owned.”

Clint Buddpic

Pic: Clint Budd on Awel site visit

Dan McCallum added “In Germany and Denmark, there is a natural alliance between steelmakers and wind energy – turbines are made from steel.  We need to work much harder to develop wind turbine manufacturing in Wales to help build those alternative markets for our steel. “

“Wind energy is now cheaper than gas. It’s far cheaper that new nuclear such as Hinkley which requires a massive subsidy. We can also retain all the profits from these projects locally by developing them as co-ops.”

Awel’s co-op Share Offer is open till midnight tomorrow, June 15th. The co-op is well on the way to its £1m target.


(Pic: Some Awel members on site visit)

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