The ‘Greta’ space capsule has been busy this week, shuttling over 200 people to the Moon. Schools, groups and drop-in visitors have all experienced the 200,000 mph ride into space. It’s been brilliant seeing their faces awed by the view of Planet Earth as they land. I’ve also welcomed Terry Pugh of TTS Science to wow the children with his rocket tots experiments.

I’ve set up the Artists’ studio above one of the craters; and with the bits and bobs of Space junk I’ve been collecting since I’ve arrived, I am creating pieces of art with all my visitors. The plan is to put together an exhibition tell the Universe about Planet Earth – the wonders and the mundane, the positives and the negatives. Everyone who visits is given a mini-paper-moon on which to create their artwork.
And there are so many wonderful pieces so far that, combined, contribute to the story of Planet Earth. Here are just some of the many creations in the making:

Visitors have brought news from home as well as delicious snacks to keep my spirits up. Thanks Hamish for this baklava – my favourite food of all time.
I’ve been watching Planet Earth and the build up of Typhoon Hagibis which looks terrifying. Here’s the view from space.

It’s been an intense experience so far, and I’m looking forward to another week in which I’ll be welcoming visitors every day, before my re-entry to Planet Earth on Friday.