Stunning Film to launch Awel Co-op Christmas Share Offer

Double BAFTA-Cymru winner, Mike Harrison, has made a stunning short film, capturing the moments that the blades are lifted onto one of the Awel Co-op turbines at dawn. The film can be seen here


Dan McCallum, one of Awel Co-op’s directors said “Mike had to be on site at 5am and work in freezing conditions (along with the Enercon installation team) and we are very grateful to Mike for giving up his Saturday lie-in to produce this beautiful, atmospheric film. Mike is a member of the co-op and lives locally in Gwaun Cae Gurwen.

“What better Christmas present could there be than a co-owning a wind farm! Clean, sustainable and it’ll help ensure we can all celebrate future Christmases. Over seven hundred people have already joined Awel Co-op, and the share offer has been extended to Christmas Day.

Our Share Offer has already raised £1.53m which is the largest ever in Wales and we’ve secured a £4.7m loan from Welsh Government. As a co-op, it’s one member, one vote, irrespective of how many shares someone owns. We are offering a return of 5% to members which is much better than current bank rates. And you’ll be able to see where your money is going!”

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