The visit from pupils in Tairgwaith school to our sister co-op Awel was a fantastic day for the children and a great educational experience introducing them to renewable energy and community projects. They also learned more about Egni’s rooftop solar ongoing project.
Rosie Gillam, Egni Director said: “We are always amazed at how enthusiastic and engaged the children who visit our sites are and can’t wait to host more sessions for primary up to university level.’
Dan McCallum MBE, Egni & Awel Director said: “One of Egni’s key objectives is the development of renewable energy resources for the benefit of the community. We look to maximise local impacts and learning opportunities at every stage.”

Apart from the ongoing hosting of free school and university trips to our installations (windfarm and solar sites). Egni has plans to help fund an education officer who will visit schools and support teachers as well as the development of resources to enable schools to integrate data from the solar panels and information on renewable energy into a range of lessons. These are part of Egni Coop’s plans to help drive education about climate change and help inspire future generations.
We also currently have two Business Studies interns, Matthew Kilgariff and Jordan Coller, from University of Wales Trinity Saint David working with us to help secure our community driven goals. Matthew said “Not only has the opportunity to work with Egni opened my eyes to the potential and social economic benefits of community energy projects but also given me experience to help be employed in one of the fastest growing industries.”