Egni's Solar Panel Launch

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[su_tooltip style=”tipsy” position=”north” shadow=”yes” rounded=”yes” size=”3″ content=”Click to see the event’s agenda” class=”aligncenter agenda-tooltip”][su_lightbox type=”inline” src=”#agendabox” class=”aligncenter”]Egni and Renew Wales would like to invite you to Launch of the Solar Panels with Carl Sargeant, the Minister for Natural Resources. January 15th 2015, 11 – 11:45 am, Dove Workshop, Banwen, SA10 9LU[/su_lightbox][su_lightbox_content id=”agendabox” text_align=”left” background=”#F7F5E7″ color=”#141412″ class=”aligncenter”]Egni Launch
Dove Workshop, Roman Road, Banwen, Neath SA10 9LW
Thursday January 15th, 2015
10:30  —  Visitors arrive, networking, tea and coffee
11:00  —  Arrival of Carl Sargeant. Minister met by Dan McCallum, Julie Bibby (Dove), Phil Rees (Solarft) and Tim Jarmey (Enphase)
11:05  —  Walk outside to see solar panels (5 mins). Then into conference room for main event:
11:07  —  Welcome by Councillor Alun Thomas: NPT Leader and local County Councillor (2.5 mins)
11:10  —  Julie Bibby: Intro to Dove (2.5 mins)
11:25  —  Dan McCallum (Intro to Egni), 5 mins
11:30  —  Rob Proctor (intro to Renew) 5 mins
11:40  —  The Minister (10 mins) including ‘opening’ of curtain over Display Panel showing live data from panels. For convenience, this will be located in the main meeting room.
11:45  —  Questions 5 mins (to Minister, Dan and Rob)
11:45  —  Departure
11:45 – 12:15  —  Further questions to Dan McCallum (Egni), Rob Proctor (Renew), Julie Bibby (Dove), Tim Jarmey (Enphase), Jon Halle (Share Energy)
12:15 – 12:45  —  Refreshments and networking: tea, coffee and biscuits
[su_button url=”” target=”blank” background=”#900″ size=”5″ center=”yes” radius=”round” icon=”icon: download”]Download this agenda[/su_button][/su_lightbox_content][/su_tooltip]


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