Egni Coop has exceeded £500,000 in community shares which is a significant contribution towards its £750,000 target. The aim is to install 5,000 kw of solar pv on up to 250 sites across Wales. This will save an estimated £8m over the next 30 years and help prevent 35,000 tonnes of carbon emissions. Egni has a Share Offer open now to raise its target of £750k.
Welsh Government has recognised the economic, social and environmental benefits of community owned renewable energy projects such as Egni. It has declared a climate emergency and vowed to be more proactive in dealing with the energy crisis, partly in response to pressure from groups such as ‘Extinction Rebellion’. Local communities, schools and councils could be producing their own renewable electricity with support from community owned co-operatives such as Egni and Awel. Community energy is local, sustainable, economical and environmentally friendly.

Rosie Gillam, Egni Director said: “It is a great achievement to have raised so much, and to have so much support from new and existing members.”
Dan McCallum MBE, Egni & Awel Director said: “It is amazing to see the difference that collectively we can make, I would urge anyone to see how they could get involved in community energy projects like our Co-ops Awel and Egni.”