Egni Co-op looking for new roofs for solar!

Egni Co-op, an award-winning Welsh solar pv co-op, is seeking to use roofs in Wales to generate clean energy. Egni is looking for buildings such as community centres, businesses and schools who’ve got an interest in reducing their bills and helping tackle climate change.
The Feed in Tariff ends on 31st March but as a co-op we can register a site and fix the Feed in Tariff for a year, which gives us time to raise money using community shares. The response from the communities we’ve visited has been fantastic, we’re working with over 40 community groups and businesses at nearly 40 sites, pre-registering over 1 MW of solar so far!

It really helps that Egni has already installed 179kw of solar on seven sites which have been running well for three years. Our existing sites include Ysgol y Bedol in Garnant, Dove Workshops in Banwen, Glynneath Training Centre, the Phoenix Centre in Swansea and Trimsaran Leisure Centre. We’re also part of the same team which developed the Awel Co-op community wind farm above Pontardawe – this was recognised as the best community energy project in England and Wales and raised over £3m from a co-op share offer.

Everyone recognises the impact of climate change and this an opportunity to do something positive whilst engaging people in Wales in a co-op. Also, if people want to know about the forthcoming the share offer, they can join our mailing list on

Time is running out so if you are interested in having solar on your roof (including leased buildings), please email or phone 07938 377374.

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