Fuel Poverty Awareness Day is taking place on the 15th February. The aim of the day is to raise awareness of a problem that affects 1 in 3 households in Wales. As such National Energy Action will be working with MPs, local authorities and other organisations to raise awareness of support available for those in fuel poverty.
How can you support?
• You can support this cause by using the hashtags #FuelPovertyAwarenessDay and #WarmSafeHomes on social media.
• Read NEA’s Warm and Safe Homes Action guide available here and disseminate to anybody in your area who may find it useful.
• Add a Twibbon to your social media to show your support. You can do this here.
• NEA have produced several videos on a range of topics with guidance to help. These can be found below.
o How do I know if I’m in fuel poverty
o Paying for energy
o Maximising income
o How to make my home warmer
o How to switch supplier
o How to stay safe at home
Fuel Poverty affects so many people within our communities and so we’d really appreciate your help in raising awareness of the support available.
#FuelPovertyAwarenessDay #WarmSafeHomes